Musical Director

Christian Young
Christian has been a member of the choir and Deputy Musical Director since 2008. He began studying piano at 7 years old under the able tutelage of Mrs Lambert, who would even let him bring a toy to sit on the piano while he practised. He had a number of piano teachers but none made a bigger impression than Mrs Burhouse. The feeling was apparently mutual as she would often remind him that he was the only pupil who ever made her shout. Fortunately, her sternness worked and the lessons started to sink in. To this day Christian still believes her motto that, “You don’t practise until you get something right, you practise until you can’t get it wrong.”
Christian has sung in choirs and played in brass bands for as long as he can remember. He started conducting at only 16 years old, when his grandfather handed him the baton at Wombwell Main Male Voice Choir and told him to get on with it. After originally starting a degree in music at Huddersfield University in 2007 he decided that he would prefer to pursue a career in engineering as music was something he enjoys too much to make a job. He is currently studying for a PhD in Engineering.
Christian took over as Musical Director in the summer of 2016.